Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 14 - Rapunzel, Animal Kingdom & Ohana

Today was supposed to be our second Animal Kingdom Day. We decided to do our first bit of park hopping with our goal of seeing Rapunzel at the Magic Kingdom nice and early. We had tried to see Rapunzel the day before but the line was beyond ridiculous. We got there at 9:30am and the line was for 12:30pm!! Mum wasn't feeling the best today so we left her at home to have a day of rest. We got to the park just after 9:15am and we ran straight to the line up for Rapunzel. We were told by a cast member how the meet and greet would work. They did it in sessions, one per hour with around 80 people per go. The sessions ran around 40 mins and then Rapunzel got a break until the next one. We were in the 10:20am session so we had a hour to kill. Steve took the kids to ride the Carousel, Mad Hatters Tea Party and fast passed Winnie the Pooh. Then they came back to wait in the line with me. We got in and first they did colouring in with the kids while the parents held their positions in the line. Then they all did a dance around the table. Once this was done the kids joined the parents back in line and Rapunzel and Flynn Rider came out. The line moved fairly steadily and while we were waiting a photopass photographer went around to everyone and took photos of us with Pascal. Peyton was stoked to meet Rapunzel and she even gave Flynn a hug!




Meet area

Rapunzel and Flynn


Comparing dresses <3

The kids together 

Peyton and her favourite characters

Once we were done with the Tangles experience we headed over to quickly do Winnie the Pooh before heading off. On the way out we got caught up in the parade which was actually a really cool experience. Peyton started dancing and King Louie decided he loved her and kidnapped her. He danced with her, took her around to dance and kept hugging her. She loved it and Steve got some really good pics.

After the parade we headed over to Animal Kingdom for a last visit. We went straight to Kilimanjaro Safari for a fast pass. While we were waiting for our time slot to come up we decided to have lunch. We didn't want anything too much as it was really hot and humid and we were having a big dinner that night. We found a little shop that was more of a gift shop than anything but sold picnic lunches. We got 2 sandwiches, 2 bags of chips, 2 waters and 2 desserts for $17.99 we also got a free Animal Kingdom green bag too. We chose the tuna pita wraps and chocolate brownies. It was a really delicious lunch and perfect to share for us. Brandon was sleeping so he missed out but when he woke up he went in and chose a bag of apple slices to have and he also shared some of an orange Steve had got. On the way to ride the safari we spotted a meet and greet for Flick from a Bugs Life, there was only 5 mins wait so we jumped into line and did that. We then rode the safari and it started to rain so we headed home.



Tuna on pita





After a short rest and checking on mum (she was still feeling sick) we headed to the Polynesian Resort for our dinner reservation at Ohana. It was amazing. Steve loved every bite! We had the salad and pineapple bread and the pot stickers and chicken wings. I also got a blue light up cocktail which was so, so strong. It literally made my head spin. The kids got a drink with a souvenir cup and a light up clip, Buzz and Tinkerbell. Then came the noodle, broccoli and the meat. Steak, chicken, shrimp and pork. All very flavoursome. They did a few dances around the room with the kids and Peyton partook as usual. She got a few lei's and brought then back to us. Last of all came the dessert. the kids got vanilla ice cream with Mickey sprinkles and for us the Ohana bread pudding with vanilla ice cream and banana foster sauce. OMG..... amazing!

Whats left of the bread and salad

Salad, Chicken Wing and Pot Sticker

Light up Tinkerbell

Blue cocktail with glow cube


Pork, Noodles, Broccoli, Salad, Chicken and Shrimp



Me and the boy


After we had our fill we jumped on the monorail and headed to the Magic Kingdom for the Main Street Electrical Parade and Wishes. The parade was spectacular. All the floats done up in fairy lights. Then we watched the new show, the Magic, Memories and You. This is where photos and videos from that day are projected onto the castle. It really is an awesome show. The way they light that castle up is nothing short of genius. Then the favourite Wishes fireworks over the castle. It was a perfect ending to an awesome day.

Main Street Electrical Parade


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